Are you connected?
This past weekend I was honored to be part of the Georgia Watercolor Society board as Recording Secretary. I was humbled beyond words. Even more humbled to be around such talented storytellers of the GWS members and all who participated! I got to meet some pretty amazing people. Some that made me feel like I had lots to learn! Which was great because its good to learn new things at any age or experiences. But when I started talking and connecting with people I realized that in many ways they were like me and in love with storytelling through art and in this case watercolors. I have learned over the years from designing fabrics & carpets that many artist are humble people and are willing to lift each other up and strengthen our gifts! Truly amazing when the support and connection is there. It is important as a people. It is even better when you can in return reach out, pull up and give back.
A special Thank You to all the GWS and all who I met and the lovely Rosie Coleman.